Our Mission is to provide services that take into consideration a family's needs from conception through the infancy of their child. We strive to empower our clients to reach their full potential.
Our Center focuses on providing Client Advocacy, Education (Pregnancy, Parenting, Positive Alternatives, Body Literacy), Local Agency Referrals/Resources, Material Assistance, Bereavement/Post-Abortion Support, Assistant Services (Employment, Education, Financial, Housing, Transportation), Le Leche League (mom' educating moms), Domestic Violence Support, Pregnancy Tests, and Support for Men. All services are provided in English and Spanish.
Check out our video!
Our Center is a 501c3 organization and is always in need of monetary donations to continue providing services to local communities.
Donation Options: New items
(Diapers, Wipes, Formula, Toys, Maternity and Infant Clothing, Infant OTC Products, and BIG-Ticket Items)
Used Items:
Bring to Old Bostwicks
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers and board members to help us make our Mission happen. We're excited to have you join the team!
You must protect and support the expecting woman in order to protect the fetus. Pro-life is "save the baby" and "save/support the woman".
Also called "Natural Family Planning" is a method of birth control that does NOT use any drugs or devices.
It combines the calendar/rhythm method, the basal body temperature method, and the cervical mucus method.
***This is used and is shown as the most effective a way to preventing pregnancy and/or conceiving a pregnancy.
Our goal is to provide nonbiased education to individuals seeking help. It is up to the woman to decide what is best for them based on factual information regarding each option (Adoption, Parenting, Abortion).
*** You do not need to be a pregnant individual to receive services through us
Our Center has had to relocate unexpectedly. Please consider helping us with moving costs and overhead so that we can continue serving Women and Children in the community.
You Donate by Mailing a Check to PO Box 972, Thief River Falls 56701
Our Center has faced a fair share of battles the last few years and your support will allow us to continue serving women and families who choose to protect innocent life.
March of 2020 our Center fell under state Covid-19 regulations and had to essentially shut down direct, in-house support to our clients. We were able to continue with virtual education and counseling, and contactless material pick-ups, but this strained the relationships our staff build with vulnerable clients and they definitely felt the loss. Covid also cancelled our annual fundraising banquets and events for the following three years. The loss of this direct donor support was felt immensely. Our Center relied heavily on state funding it received through the MN Positive Alternatives (to abortion) Grant for our client education, material support (such as diapers/wipes, food/formula, cribs, car seats) and overhead to simply keep the lights on.
Then came May 2023, when Governor Walz decided the State of Minnesota would no longer support the protection of innocent fetal life, and he, with his Senate and House, voted to eliminate the funding for the Positive Alternatives Grant beyond June 30, 2023. The very grant we have relied so heavily on.
And finally, as some may have heard, just four days after losing our grant funding, our Center suffered a huge building disaster. Water damaged much of our client material supplies, ultrasound machine, and the building structure itself, to the point that an immediate decision to relocate was needed. Whether this location is temporary or permanent remains to be seen, along with the services and support we can provide, as we are working on a very short-term budget that is unsustainable without monetary donations from supporters like you.
So, we ask that you please take this consideration to heart, whether you can provide a gift to help us continue with our good works and ensure women and families can provide for the beautiful life they chose to protect.
2017 Hwy 59 SE; PO Box 972, Thief River Falls MN 56701
Office: 218-681-1279 24/7 HOTLINE Cell: 218-689-5454 Email: lifecarefrontdesk@wiktel.com
Monday 8am - 4pm
Tuesday 8am - 4pm
Wednesday 8am - 4pm
Thursday 8am - 4pm
Friday - Closed
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed
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